What does the Sabbath mean for us today?

No answers just hoping for a little discussion and a few ideas….

The fourth commandment says, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy…”  It continues to say that God’s people should work for six days and must rest on the seventh day of each week.

But what does the Sabbath mean for us today?  As a society we are a long way from having a communal sitdown as the nation of Israel would have had each week.  But how can the Church, the people of God, remember the Sabbath?  How do we keep it holy?  And what is the Sabbath day anyway – Saturday?  Sunday?  Something else entirely?

Any thoughts…?

Glorious Saturday

Yesterday was one of those beautiful Saturdays…productive, fun, lazy, exciting, relaxing…

It began with a great morning, the highlight being driving along with Anya next to me in the front seat, her head out the window and her hair blowing all over like a film star in the sunny breeze.  We had a Greasy Spoon breakfast, got some shopping done, the sun shone, there was live football on telly and I had chance to enjoy a couple of beers.

Even the stuff that was hard work was good fun.  I spent the night finishing off my preach for this morning but I found the few hours of housework unexpectedly exciting too.  Add all that to the anticipation of a week off work and Rada returning from Italy this evening and I had a brilliant day.

There’s nothing quite like a hard week working to enjoy a day off.  God definitely had the right idea when he rested on the seventh day.  A sound principle if ever there was one!